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Finding your Polish ancestors

Weight 0,42 kg
Dimensions 29,7 × 21,5 × 2,4 cm

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Don't know how to start researching your Polish ancestors? Has a first attempt been blocked and you don't know how to overcome it? Despite the initial difficulties (distance, language), which can sometimes be discouraging, and the legend that Polish archives have all been destroyed, genealogical research in Poland from France is entirely possible with a good chance of success, provided you are aware of the pitfalls and know how to proceed.

This new edition details the most recent advances on the Internet from

Polish genealogy: archive databases and associations, digitised records.

This clear, detailed guide is the first to explain in detail the sources of the

The book covers the different stages of the search for documents, both in France and in Poland and elsewhere, the special cases arising from the vicissitudes of history, and the order in which the search should be carried out. It places the search for documents in its historical context and guides the genealogist step by step, with maps of border changes and administrative structures, examples of parish and civil status documents, model letters and an explanation of the organisation of Polish archives.

These pages will take you on a journey in the opposite direction

that your ancestors made from Poland, which is so close, but can seem so far away when the family no longer speaks Polish and has lost contact with their country of origin. In the end, they will enable you to rediscover that piece of Polish soil that your ancestors left behind.


Philippe Christol is an experienced genealogist with a family connection to Poland. Creator of the website www.geneapologne.com and host of the Facebook page "GeneaPologne", author of the article "Poland" in the special Europe issue of the Revue française de généalogie, he invites you to discover your own family history in Polish archives, French and foreign sources and on the web.

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Weight 0,42 kg
Dimensions 29,7 × 21,5 × 2,4 cm
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