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The genealogist, a mysterious, rare and little-known character! Let's face it, he's not a scientist with a flowery beard and a magnifying glass in his hand. It's true that this field seems to be reserved for specialists in great historical names! But nowadays, anyone can research their ancestors. Investigations are akin to a police enquiry, enabling us to discover the history of our family, whether noble or commoner, rich or poor. The ups and downs of history are sometimes amusing, moving and surprising, and give us a glimpse into the everyday lives of people from other eras. By the greatest of coincidences, at a genealogy fair in Paris, I had the pleasure of meeting Mr Jean Pierre FRANCOIS, my "French genealogical cousin" who was studying the CANVA surname. So here we both are, on the road to Nicolas CANVA, our common ancestor. I would like to thank J.P. François for the personal work he carried out in France, supplemented by information from Belgium. Thanks to him, the CANVA family chronicle has been compiled and made available to enthusiasts to help them in their research. As no one is infallible and no work is ever perfect, we will always be happy to receive new (conclusive) information and incorporate it into a later version.
Weight | 0,38 kg |
Dimensions | 29,7 × 22,1 cm |