Genealogy branch of GéniWal Namur

Genealogy branch of GéniWal Namur Rue des Dames Blanches 5, Namur, Luxembourg, Belgium

The monthly meeting is held on the last Tuesday of the month, starting at 7.30 p.m. It is open to all GéniWal members. Non-member amateur genealogists, students and the curious are welcome to get to know our association. The branch is here to help you find your ancestors, to study the records of your ancestors and to [...]

Genealogy branch of GéniWal Namur

Genealogy branch of GéniWal Namur Rue des Dames Blanches 5, Namur, Luxembourg, Belgium

The monthly meeting is held on the last Tuesday of the month, starting at 7.30 p.m. It is open to all GéniWal members. Non-member amateur genealogists, students and the curious are welcome to get to know our association. The branch is here to help you find your ancestors, to study the records of your ancestors and to [...]

Genealogy branch of GéniWal Namur

Genealogy branch of GéniWal Namur Rue des Dames Blanches 5, Namur, Luxembourg, Belgium

The monthly meeting is held on the last Tuesday of the month, starting at 7.30 p.m. It is open to all GéniWal members. Non-member amateur genealogists, students and the curious are welcome to get to know our association. The branch is here to help you find your ancestors, to study the records of your ancestors and to [...]

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