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Archives Manuscrite en dépôt chez GéniWal N° Photos Contenu du document Curés et Vicaires des environs de Villers-la-Ville 1892. PIERSON Victor °...

Chartes de Brabant

Brabant Charters

History of the conservation of the Brabant Charters. The conservation of these charters in the archives is as old as their creation. In 1307, Philip the Fair specified the duties of the first guardian of the charters. In...



  Over the centuries, the archives of the central institutions of the Ancien Régime have been stored in a wide variety of locations. The French laws of 7 Messidor Year II (25 June 1794) established the...



Italy (Italian: Italia), officially the Italian Republic (Repubblica Italiana), is a country in southern Europe that physically corresponds to a peninsula in the centre of the Mediterranean Sea and the two largest islands in the...

Brabant Wallon

Walloon Brabant

Association généalogique du Brabant Wallon. You can contact : Netradyle Gembloux GéniWal Rixensart Seneffe Wavre...

Bruxelles capitale

Brussels capital

Genealogical Association of Brussels Capital. You can contact : GENIWAL : Généalogie Informatique Wallonie OGHB : Office généalogique et héraldique de Belgique SCGD : Service de Centralisation des Etudes Généalogiques et Démographiques de...

Cercle Généalogiste Poitevin

Cercle Généalogiste Poitevin

Is an association governed by the law of 1 July 1901 and the decree of 16 August 1901 The association is a member of the Union Généalogique Poitou-Charentes Vendée, affiliated to the Fédération Française de Généalogie. This...

Cercle Généalogique de Versailles et des Yvelines

Genealogical Circle of Versailles and Yvelines

Presentation: Founded in 1976 under the law of 1901 and registered with the Prefecture under no. 6.459 by a group of passionate genealogists, the association got off to a modest start. But thanks to everyone's goodwill, it grew rapidly....

Association Généalogique du Pas-de-Calais

Pas-de-Calais Genealogical Association

The association is governed by the law of 1st July 1901. It was founded on 12 March 1980 , official journal of 22 March 1980 . The articles of association have been filed with the prefecture...



 The aim of this association is to bring together beginners and experienced genealogists researching their Spanish ancestors. In a spirit of exchange, sharing and mutual assistance, it aims to reconstruct the history of their ancestry and that of...



Italy (Italian: Italia), officially the Italian Republic (Repubblica Italiana), is a country in southern Europe that physically corresponds to a peninsula in the centre of the Mediterranean Sea and the two largest islands in the...

Généalogie en Allemagne

Genealogy in Germany

Welcome to the Genealogy and family research in Germany page Please note: German parish registers are the property of the Church, and therefore of the parishes, then of the episcopal archives. You cannot...



Archives Manuscrite en dépôt chez GéniWal N° Photos Contenu du document Curés et Vicaires des environs de Villers-la-Ville 1892. PIERSON Victor °...

Chartes de Brabant

Brabant Charters

History of the conservation of the Brabant Charters. The conservation of these charters in the archives is as old as their creation. In 1307, Philip the Fair specified the duties of the first guardian of the charters. In...



  Over the centuries, the archives of the central institutions of the Ancien Régime have been stored in a wide variety of locations. The French laws of 7 Messidor Year II (25 June 1794) established the...

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