Western Europe

Genealogical research in Western Europe.



Archives Manuscrite en dépôt chez GéniWal N° Photos Contenu du document Curés et Vicaires des environs de Villers-la-Ville 1892. PIERSON Victor °...

Chartes de Brabant

Brabant Charters

History of the conservation of the Brabant Charters. The conservation of these charters in the archives is as old as their creation. In 1307, Philip the Fair specified the duties of the first guardian of the charters. In...



  Over the centuries, the archives of the central institutions of the Ancien Régime have been stored in a wide variety of locations. The French laws of 7 Messidor Year II (25 June 1794) established the...

Chartes de Brabant

Brabant Charters

History of the conservation of the Brabant Charters. The conservation of these charters in the archives is as old as their creation. In 1307, Philip the Fair specified the duties of the first guardian of the charters. In...

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