Le Cercle Généalogique des Cheminots (France)

by | Jul 11, 2013

The Cercle Généalogique des Cheminots is a member of the U.A.I.C.F. (Union Artistique et Intellectuelle des Cheminots Français).
The Circle is a member of the F.F.G. (Fédération Française de Généalogie) and the U.C.G.E. (Union des Cercles Généalogiques en Entreprise).
The Circle's main missions are

  • to train, initiate and help its members to carry out their genealogy;
  • to create a file of railwaymen's ancestors to compensate for the disappearance of many files on railwaymen from former companies. This database is fed by the voluntary work of its members, who research various sources;
  • offer a library of books based on genealogy and periodicals that we exchange with other genealogy circles;
  • to build up a historical database on the staff of the former railway companies;
  • publish a quarterly magazine "Généalogie Rail";
  • to participate in historical and scientific work on railway employees;

Together with UCGE, the association organised the 21st national genealogy congress in Lille on the theme of "Professions". As part of this congress, it is looking for genealogical circles in companies.
Henri Dropsy
24 rue des Bertagnes
F-77950 Rubelles
Mail : genealogie.cheminots@laposte.net
Website : The Cercle Généalogique des Cheminots

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