Monument to the dead of the town of Spa province of Liège

by | Jan 9, 2022





ALBERT Nicolas Joseph Marcel :
Born on 11/11/1882 at Spa and died on 24/10/1914 place unknown.
Soldier 2th Class 14th de Ligne

ALBERT Victor Joseph Alphonse :
Born in Spa on 25/10/1884 and died in Vinkem on 15/09/1917.
Second Lieutenant 2th de Ligne.

AUBINET Henri Joseph :
Born unknown in Spa on 04/11/1914 and died in Pervijze on 04/11/1914.
Soldier 2th Class 12th de Ligne.

BAIWIR Charles James :
Born 15/06/1891 in Spa 21/10/1918 and died in Adegem.
Corporal at 21th de ligne matricule 2099.

BRODURE Hubert Joseph :
Born on an unknown date in Spa and died on 17/04/1917 at an unknown place.
Soldier 2th class 15th artillery.

CHRISTIANE Jules Auguste Louis :
Born in 1895 in Spa and died on 17/04/1918 in Merkem.
Soldier 9th line.

CURTIUS Guillaume :
Born 25/05/1878 at Spa died 02/10/1918 at Oostnieuwkerke.
Regimental soldier 2th Line 4th of Chasseurs à pied.

DEBRUS Julien Eugène :
Born place and date of birth unknown and died 06/05/1919 place unknown.
Soldier 2th Class 4th of Genius.

DECERF Ivan Mathieu Edmond :
Born 27/02/1898 at Spa and died 09/10/1918 at Oostnieuwkerke.
Soldier 2th Regimental class 12th artillery.
Buried at Mosselmarkt, Passendale.

DEVILLE François Constantin :
Born on an unknown date in Spa and died on 07/07/1918 at an unknown place.
Soldier 2th Militia class special contingent

DRESSE Charles Marie Antoine Amand :
Born 23/01/1897 in Liège and died 28/09/1918 in Poelkapelle.
Warrant Officer Regiment 9th de Ligne

Born 09/04/1887 at Orchies (France), died 01/03/1916 on the Yser.
Soldier 2th Regimental class 43th Infantry.

EMONTS Henri Joseph Hubert Marie Noël :
Born 25/12/1891 at Spa died 01/03/1916 on the Yser.
Soldier 2th Regimental class 5th de Ligne.

FANDEL Marcel :
Born in Spa on 22/06/1899 and died in Passendale on 09/10/1918.
Brigadier regiment 18th artillery.

GASPAR Gustave :
Born place and date unknown in Spa and died 21/11/1917 place unknown.
Soldier 2th Class 12th Artillery.
Burial: Zuidschote

GONAY Hubert Eloi Joseph :
Born in Petit Rechain and died on 02/10/1918 in Houthulst.
Soldier 2th class regiment 12th de Ligne

GONAY Jacques Pierre Joseph :
Born in Spa on 03/09/1891 and died in Loncin on 15/08/1914.
Soldier 2th class regiment 14th de Ligne
Killed in the explosion at Fort de Loncin.

HALLEUX Alexis :
Born place and date unknown and died place unknown.

Military service in the 1914-1918 conflict.

HESSE Amédée :
Born 26/07/1870 at Metz (France), died 18/10/1915, place unknown
Resistance fighter shot

HEYNEN Désiré Mathieu Isidore :
Born on an unknown date in Spa and died on 17/04/1918 at an unknown place.
Militiaman war volunteer

HOUET Albert Victor Marie :
Born 17/12/1891 at Spa and died 02/07/1916 at La panne.
Soldier 1era Regimental class 12th line.

JAMBON Yvan Marie Joseph :
Born on an unknown date in Spa and died on 13/14/1914 at a place unknown.
Soldier 2th Regimental class 1er Guides.

JEHIN Jean Joseph August :
Born unknown date in Spa died 28/04/1918 place unknown.
Soldier 2th Grand Parc Automobile de Réserve class
Buried at Beveren-Aan-den-Ijser.

JEROME Georges :
Born place and date unknown and died place unknown.

JOB André :
Born place and date unknown and died place unknown.

Born place and date unknown and died place unknown.

MANGNAY Paul Emile Marius :
Born 26/10/1896 at Spa, died 24/04/1915, place unknown.
Soldier 2th Regimental class 1er Grenadiers.
Burial at Westvleteren ?

Born place and date unknown and died place unknown.

Born place and date unknown and died place unknown

MESTDAGH Alphonse Edouard :
Born 24/05/1880 in Lille France and died 25/05/1919 Spa.
Soldier 2th class regiment 24th Infantry

MICHEL Ernest :
Born place and date unknown and died place unknown.

Born place and date unknown and died place unknown.

MOUREAU Prosper Joseph :
Born 08/06/1893 at Spa, died 29/10/1918 at Guemps (France)
Soldier 2th regimental class 20th de Ligne.

PALLA Maurice Jean Julien (Marcel) :
Born on an unknown date in Spa and died on 23/05/1918 at an unknown place.
Private 2nd Class, Regiment 4th Artillery.

PIETTE Victor Joseph :
Born on an unknown date in Spa and died on 24/10/1914 at an unknown place.
Soldier 2th Regimental class 14th de Ligne.

POTTIER Charles Hubert :
Born in Spa on 10/06/1892 and died in Poelkapelle on 02/10/1918.
Private 2nd class, 3rd Engineers regiment.

POTTIER Léon Alexandre :
Born 15/12/1883 in Spa and died 08/12/1918 in Tirlemont.
Soldier 2th regimental class 3th Engineers or regiment 15th of Genius.

RAWAY Eugène Edmond Adam :
Born 20/11/1897 at Spa, died 28/09/1918 at Westrozebeke.
Soldier 2th class regiment 12th de Ligne.

THIMISTER Jean Joseph :
Born 02/04/1886 at Dison and died 05/06/1915 at Alveringem. s
Corporal regiment 3th of Hunters

TROEGER Emile François Joseph :
Born 28/11/1890 Reims (France), died 16/09/1914 La Vaux Marie (France).
Soldier 2th class regiment 106th infantry.
Died for France.

WARNOTTE Robert Charles :
Born unknown in Theux, died 17/08/1914 in Liège.
Brigadier of artillery.

WILKIN Maurice :
Born place and date unknown and died place unknown.

Born place and date unknown and died place unknown.

WISLET Henri Joseph :
Born 31/05/1884 at Spa, died 30/06/1919 at Spa.
Spent 52 months in captivity

XHROUET Camille :
Born place and date unknown and died place unknown.
Civil victim.

Sources :

Photo credit :
All rights reserved on the monument and commemorative plaque
© Yves Heraly
Postcard image taken from the website :

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