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Granddad! Granny! Tell me what you remember!

Weight 0,29 kg
Dimensions 29,7 × 21,5 × 2,4 cm

7,90 VAT

2 in stock


Me: "Living without television, tablets or computers? Is that impossible?

But Grandma and Grandpa didn't have any when they were my age.

So what did they do? They're grown up, but they went to school too.

Which was it? Were they wise men or devils?... And their families?

Did they know their grandparents? Their great-grandparents?

And who was their favourite cousin?"...

Grandma or Grandpa: "The family, our childhood school, our jobs,

Everyday life in the past... So many subjects that are still fresh in our minds but that we don't know how to tell the younger generation. So where do we start?

How to turn our memories into a fun way of sharing them

with our grandchildren...".

Questions that fly, answers that engage the exchange, friezes

chronological timelines and information to get people thinking, games to complete together at the weekend or during the holidays...


Sophie Bunel is a school teacher who has put her teaching skills, experience of working with children from all walks of life and knowledge of genealogy and the life stories of the elderly to good use in encouraging dialogue between grandparents and grandchildren. A lovely activity book to share with the whole family!

Additional information

Weight 0,29 kg
Dimensions 29,7 × 21,5 × 2,4 cm
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