Simple, user-friendly, accessible to all and open 7 days a week, our product catalogue offers a whole range of useful items for genealogists with short delivery times.
Weight | 0,26 kg |
Dimensions | 29,7 × 21,5 × 2,4 cm |
€10,00 VAT
The genealogical revolution on the web, Filae is a research accelerator. Its raison d'être over the last twenty years? To index old books, 19th century newspapers, archives, documentary collections... to make it easier and faster for family historians to go back in time. Firstly, with historical databases, including the colossal file of pensioners from the 19th century or prisoners from the two world wars, all of which can be searched by name and provide an image of the original document. Or the online access to the parish registers of partner associations. Then there is the gigantic task of indexing old civil records and part of the census. Since 2017, all you have to do is type in the name of a grandfather and the list of records and archive documents relating to him or her appears on the site. Click on the one that interests you and you're on the right page of the right register in the right departmental archives, almost anywhere in France, with even the right record highlighted in coral! This guide gives you all the advice you need for searching and creating trees on this site, which has become a must.
Rest assured, the pleasure of research is still there. Genealogies are not built up with a single click, and the investigation always continues by bouncing from record to record. But what used to take weeks to find, or what could never be found, is now, thanks to Filae, just a mouse click and a calendar away!
Guillerm Yann: in search of his ancestors since adolescence, Yann Guillerm has reconstructed his family tree both in France and abroad. He has a Master's degree in history and works as a volunteer for a number of associations, collecting and indexing parish registers and organising the examination of matriculation registers in the Côtes-d'Armor region. He is already the author of Retrouver ses ancêtres bretons, Archives départementales mode d'emploi and the co-author of Faire son arbre généalogique par Internet.
Weight | 0,26 kg |
Dimensions | 29,7 × 21,5 × 2,4 cm |